artwork by Krista Hamrick |
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Name Above All Names Alphabet by Krista Hamrick |
Krista Hamrick’s beautiful original art print, Name Above All Names Alphabet, has so inspired me. Each of the 26 individual Names she has identified are so special, as Krista has intricately painted, almost like stained glass windows, each one with its Scripture reference. Krista says, “This is probably the painting that I have most enjoyed researching, designing, redesigning and painting. Beth Willis Miller has expanded upon each name with devotional word studies. By knowing, believing and trusting who God says He is, we can be confident in who He has created us to be.” I so agree with Krista!
My heart has been drawn to do a word study for each of the names included in her art print. Krista and I felt led to publish our Name Above All Names Devotional: Focusing on 26 Alphabetical Names of Christ …available now on Amazon as a softcover book and as a Kindle book at this link.
Combining the beauty of Krista's artistic excellence with these word study devotionals is perfect for individual quiet reflection or small group Bible studies focusing on the Name Above All Names—Jesus Christ—and His attributes and characteristics.
Review by Michele Morin: “The infinite variety in nature, the curious complexity of human behavior, the synchronicity of multiple systems in our own anatomy — and in the solar system — all point, through general revelation, to the nature of God: multi-faceted, magnificent, and yet mysterious. Special revelation in Scripture picks up where creation leaves off, and Beth Willis Miller has teamed up with artist Krista Hamrick to focus on twenty-six pieces of evidence in Name Above All Names Devotional: Focusing on 26 Alphabetical Names of Christ. The result is an alphabetical collection that resembles a twenty-six sided gem, each facet reflecting a slightly different hue of the nature of God the Son. From Alpha and Omega to King of Zion, each devotional highlights the Scriptural basis for the name in multiple translations and then provides commentary on the verses. Beth applies the truth and then invites her readers to join her in a prayer that turns the truth into a paean of praise. No mere academic exercise, the point of Name Above All Names Devotional is threefold:
Look up – Meditate on the name and what it reveals about the character of God.
Look in – I am propelled to ask galvanizing questions about my discoveries: “Because God is ___________________, I should therefore _______________.”
Look out – Let the nature of God impact on every relationship, for your good, and for His glory.
With full-color art work and space for notes, Name Above All Names Devotional is a treasure for devotional reading, a resource for serious study, and a thoughtful and inspiring gift for loved ones.” (review by Michele Morin)
I was so inspired listening to the anointed Chris Tomlin hymn Indescribable while studying Colossians 1:16…
NASB For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.
Amplified: For it was in Him
that all things were created, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things
unseen, whether thrones, dominions, rulers, or authorities; all things were
created and exist through Him [by His service, intervention] and in and for
Lightfoot: For in and through him the whole world was created, things in heaven and things on earth, things visible to the outward eye and things cognizable by the inward perception. His supremacy is absolute and universal. All powers in heaven and earth are subject to him. This subjection extends even to the most exalted and most potent of angelic beings, whether they are called thrones or dominations or princedoms or powers, or whatever title of dignity men may confer on them. Yes: he is the first and he is the last. Through him, as the mediatorial Word, the universe has been created; and unto him, as the final goal, it is tending. In him is no before or after. He is preexistent and self-existent before all the worlds.
Phillips: He existed before creation began, for it was through him that every thing was made, whether spiritual or material, seen or unseen. Through him, and for him, also, were created power and dominion, ownership and authority. In fact, every single thing was created through, and for him.
Wuest: because in Him were created all things in the heavens and upon the earth, the visible things and the invisible ones, whether they are thrones or lordships or principalities or authorities. All things through Him as intermediate agent and with a view to Him stand created.
Young's Literal: because in him were the all things created, those in the heavens, and those upon the earth, those visible, and those invisible, whether thrones, whether lordships, whether principalities, whether authorities; all things through him, and for him, have been created.
Lightfoot: For in and through him the whole world was created, things in heaven and things on earth, things visible to the outward eye and things cognizable by the inward perception. His supremacy is absolute and universal. All powers in heaven and earth are subject to him. This subjection extends even to the most exalted and most potent of angelic beings, whether they are called thrones or dominations or princedoms or powers, or whatever title of dignity men may confer on them. Yes: he is the first and he is the last. Through him, as the mediatorial Word, the universe has been created; and unto him, as the final goal, it is tending. In him is no before or after. He is preexistent and self-existent before all the worlds.
Phillips: He existed before creation began, for it was through him that every thing was made, whether spiritual or material, seen or unseen. Through him, and for him, also, were created power and dominion, ownership and authority. In fact, every single thing was created through, and for him.
Wuest: because in Him were created all things in the heavens and upon the earth, the visible things and the invisible ones, whether they are thrones or lordships or principalities or authorities. All things through Him as intermediate agent and with a view to Him stand created.
Young's Literal: because in him were the all things created, those in the heavens, and those upon the earth, those visible, and those invisible, whether thrones, whether lordships, whether principalities, whether authorities; all things through him, and for him, have been created.
Him all things were created. All things means just that—all things. Even
the hill called Golgotha. Even the thorns that pierced His blessed brow. Even
the Cross that brought His agonizing death. How great is His love for His
creation that He would die for it to redeem it!
By Him (en) is literally "in Him", the preposition "in" (Greek = en) denoting that Christ is the sphere within which the work of creation takes place. All the laws and purposes which guide the creation and government of the universe reside in Him. "“By Him” is en autōi, here, not instrumental but locative; “in Him” were all things created." (Wuest)
By Him (en) is literally "in Him", the preposition "in" (Greek = en) denoting that Christ is the sphere within which the work of creation takes place. All the laws and purposes which guide the creation and government of the universe reside in Him. "“By Him” is en autōi, here, not instrumental but locative; “in Him” were all things created." (Wuest)
Theologian William E. Vine writes: "In Him” describes Him as the Designer, the One Who, in fellowship with the Father, determined the condition of all things and the laws which govern and control them."
John Eadie
writes: "by (in) Him"—We
rather hold “that the act of creation rests in Christ originally, and its
completion is grounded in Him.” He is not simply instrumental
cause, but He is also primary cause. The impulse to create came upon Him from no co-ordinate power of which
He was either the conscious or the passive organ. All things were created in Him—the source of motive, desire, and
energy was in Him. He was not, as a builder, working
out the plans of an architect—but the design is His own conception, and the
execution is His own unaided enterprise. He did not need to go beyond Himself,
either to find space on which to lay the foundation of the fabric, or to
receive assistance in its erection.”
Charles F. Moule
explains: "In other words, the mighty fact that all things were created
was bound up with Him, as
its Secret. The creation of things was in Him, as the effect is in
its cause."
Marvin Vincent says: “In is not
instrumental but local; not denying the instrumentality, but putting the fact
of creation with reference to its sphere and center. In Him, within the sphere
of His personality, resides the Creative will and the creative energy, and in
that sphere the creative act takes place. Thus creation is dependent on Him. The
(definite) article (ta panta = "the things") gives the collective
sense—the all, the whole universe of things. Without the article it would be all things severally.” Note the
emphatic repetition of "all things"
which would include the seen and the unseen world! The universe of
things, not all things severally, but “all things collectively.” The
phrase literally reads "the all things.” Seven times in six verses
Paul mentions “all creation,” “all things” and “everything,” thus stressing that
Christ is supreme over all.”
(ktizo) in the New Testament is
always used of an act of God creating something out of nothing. Paul affirms
that creation was a real event in time! Were created is the
aorist tense, which points to the definite historical act of creation.
Charles F. Moule
writes: “The Greek verb ktizo denotes the making, constituting, of a new state of things. As a
Divine operation, such “creation” is the ordering by sovereign will of the
material (of whatever kind) which by that will exists.”
John Eadie
writes: “The aorist tense characterizes creation as a past and perfect work.
Creation is here in the fullest and most unqualified sense ascribed to Christ,
and the doctrine is in perfect harmony with the theology of the beloved
disciple. The work of the six days displayed vast creative energy, but it was
to a great extent the in bringing of furniture and population to a planet
already made and in diurnal revolution, for it comprehended the formation of a
balanced atmosphere, the enclosure of the ocean within proper limits, the clothing
of the soil with verdure, shrubs, trees, and cereal grasses—the exhibition of
sun, moon, and stars, as lights in the firmament—the introduction of bird,
beast, reptile, and fish, into their appropriate haunts and elements—and the
organization and endowment of man, with Eden for his heritage, and the world
for his home. But this demiurgical process implied the previous exercise of
Divine omnipotence, for “in the beginning God created the heaven and the
earth.” It is not, therefore, the wise and tasteful arrangement of pre-existent
materials or the reduction of chaos to order, beauty, and life, which is here
ascribed to Jesus, but the summoning of universal nature into original
existence. What had no being before was brought into being by Him. The universe
was not till He commanded it to be. “He spake and it was done.” Every form of
matter and life owes its origin to the Son of God, no matter in what sphere it
may be found, or with what qualities it may be invested. In heaven or on earth—Christ’s creative work was no local or
limited operation; it was not bounded by this little orb; its sweep surrounds
the universe which is named in Jewish diction and according to a natural
division—“heaven and earth.” Every form and kind of matter, simple or complex—the
atom and the star, the sun and the clod—every grade of life from the worm to
the angel—every order of intellect and being around and above us, the splendors
of heaven and the nearer phenomena of earth, are the product of the First-born.”
H. Wayne House writes: “Christ’s creative work was all encompassing,
for it includes all created things “in heaven and on earth, visible and
invisible.” These inclusive qualifiers are significant in light of the problems
facing the Colossian church. The entire physical creation, which was
distasteful to the incipient Gnostics and ascetics, nevertheless had its origin
in Christ. The Incarnation, in which God was manifest in the flesh, was
abhorrent enough. But the concept of Christ’s having been so closely involved
with the physical world as its very Creator was especially repulsive to the
heretics. On the other hand Paul affirmed in Colossians that the creation is
good, not evil. In contrast to the practice of giving homage to mediatorial
heavenly beings, which prevailed in Hellenistic cults and Jewish mysticism,
Paul boldly affirmed that everything “invisible”—including angels—is part of
the creation that is in Christ, that is, is contained in Him and by Him. This
clearly removes them from any position worthy of worship. The first “created”
in this verse is aorist tense and in this section the verb is perfect tense,
indicating that all things were created at a point in time in the past and that
they "stand created" or "remain created." The perfect
tense then speaks of the permanence of the universe, the cause of which rests
on Christ far more than on gravity! All creation is a Christo-centric universe!
"Entropy" in a spiritual sense is devolution from our Creator Christ
Jesus. How tragic is this truth! How great the deception that we are evolving
toward higher beings. How powerful is the Lie. Believers will all be changed,
but that is not evolution but glorification and it transpires in a moment!”
John Eadie
writes: The aorist tense carries us back to the act of creation, which had all
its elements in Him, and the perfect tense exhibits the universe as still
remaining the monument and proof of His creative might. The first clause
depicts creation in its origin, and the second refers to it as an existing
effect. In the former, it is an act embodying plan and power, which are alike “in Him”—in the latter, it is a
phenomenon caused and still continued “by
is more literally "through Him,”
the preposition through (dia
~ by means of) with the genitive indicating that Christ is the immediate
instrument of creation. "For Him" is literally "unto
Him" where the preposition "for" (eis) indicates that Christ is the goal of creation.
Marvin Vincent writes:
“All things came to pass within the sphere of His personality and as dependent
upon it. All things, as they had their beginning in Him, tend to Him as their
consummation, to depend on and serve Him.”
Warren W. Wiersbe
writes: "Everything exists in Him, for Him, and through Him. Jesus Christ
is the Sphere in which they exist, the Agent through which they came into
being, and the One for whom they were made. Paul’s use of three different
prepositions is one way of refuting the philosophy of the false teachers. For
centuries, the Greek philosophers had taught that everything needed a primary cause, an instrumental cause, and a
final cause. The primary
cause is the plan, the instrumental
cause the power, and the final
cause the purpose. When it comes to Creation, Jesus Christ is the primary cause (He planned it), the instrumental cause (He produced it),
and the final cause (He did it
for His own pleasure)." Paul repeats that Jesus was the agent of creation
and adds that He is the purpose of it as well! The whole of the cosmos was made
for Christ! Not only were we created for Him, through His redemption discussed
earlier we have in a sense been "re-created" for Him.”
Spend time contemplating the awesome majesty
and splendor of our Creator and sustainer of the universe, Who has spared
nothing to reveal His Father’s heart. Recommit yourself to Him and to living
according to His ways. Ask for the empowering of his Spirit to delight in doing
what God commands. In prayer, lift your voice in extravagant worship of our Lord
Jesus Christ, singing praises to His name. Worship Him because He is the
perfect, holy, almighty Creator and king of the universe and yet calls you into
intimate relationship with Him. Jesus has opened the way for us to experience
communion and harmony with our Creator. This is what we were made for! The
majesty and brilliance of our God fills the earth. The glory of God is higher
than the heavens. Even children and infants give him praise. He set the sky,
the moon and the stars, and all the galaxies in place. He is truly an awesome
God! From the time we were conceived and born into this world to the very end
of our lives, our Creator, who knitted us together in our mother’s womb, the
same eternal, unchanging One who created the heavens and the earth, is the One
who has been caring for us all along, through the hands of parents and others
who have loved, nurtured, and taught us. And it is He who will sustain
us—throughout our childhood and youth, in our active years of working or
parenting, and into the elder years when our hair is white with age and we can
no longer care for ourselves but are dependent on the care of others. Our Creator,
our Heavenly Father is our God of everlasting care.
Lord Jesus,
help me to realize that You are everlastingly my Father, intimately acquainted
with me and with every moment of my entire lifetime. Help me to rely on You
through every season of my life and to rest in the knowledge that even when I
am old, You will still be caring for me. Grant me the grace to enter into true
praise and to experience Your delight in me. I want to be lost in wonder, love,
and praise. I want to sing songs that lift Your name high. Give me fresh
revelation today, Lord, of who you are. Inspire me so that I will sing of your
greatness and glory forever! You are the king over all the earth. I love you,
Lord. We praise You for who You are. Your glory is higher than the heavens.
Your majesty fills the earth. We worship and adore You. Help us to walk as Your
children, giving honor and glory to you and never losing sight of Your power or
Your love. In Jesus’ mighty Name Above
All Names—Creator, we pray, amen.
All I have
seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.—Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)
Look Up—meditate on Colossians 1:16
Look In—as you meditate on Colossians 1:16 pray to see how you might apply it to your life.
Look Out—as you meditate on Colossians 1:16 pray to see how you might apply it to your relationships with others.
Name Above All Names Devotional: Focusing on 26 Alphabetical Names of Christ
Weekly LinkUps…
I love the book of Colossians and all that it reveals about God, and all that it reveals about God in us.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Elizabeth...I so agree with you. Many blessings to you ❤️
DeleteThat painting rivals stained glass in its beauty!
ReplyDeleteThanks, too, for the beauty of your words!
Michele, I so appreciate your kind is very inspiring for me to see God at work in beautiful artwork and music...even our appreciation of these gifts in others is a gift from our Lord...truly all is grace...many blessings to you ❤️
DeleteI thought the same thing Michele - looks so much like stained glass.
DeleteSo many translations and commentaries! I never heard of Lightfoot, but I like what it said, "He is pre-existent and self-existent before all the worlds." And I love Krista's drawing. I'll have to check out her website/FB page.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stopping by, Mary! Many blessings to you ❤️
DeleteI enjoyed the art work you shared and the thorough scripture break down. Tht each panel / letter will be focused is a blessing. I'll have to make sure to come back for Immanuel (I). Happy Sunday!
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by, Lisha! Here is the link to the devotional on Immanuel... ❤️
DeleteThe painting is beautiful and it's a great idea to do a series reflecting on the different names. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from Testimony Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Carly! Krista Hamrick, the illustrator, and I have just finished putting this series into a Name Above All Names Devotional. It will be available on Amazon soon. Many blessings to you ❤️
DeleteBeautiful art work and very thoughtful commentary. I love being out in nature above all things :). I have no problems understanding that God is the Creator--he's the only one who can make something out of nothing.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stopping by! Many blessings to you ❤️
DeleteStunning artwork! I love how well the verse from Colossians, Chris Tomlin's song "Indescribable" and the art work all fit together. Thank you always for taking us through the deeper meaning of God's word.
ReplyDeleteMary, thank you so much for your encouraging words! I so appreciate you taking time to share your heart! Krista Hamrick, the illustrator, and I have just finished putting this series into a Name Above All Names Devotional. It will be available on Amazon soon. Many blessings to you ❤️
DeleteEverything exists in Him, Through Him, Because of Him.... I love this! Thanks for reminding us of this powerful truth of His creative power.
ReplyDeleteBless you!
Thank you, Dawn. I so agree with you. Thank you for stopping by...many blessings to you ❤️
DeleteOh, how glad I am I clicked on your link today. I never would have seen this beautiful piece of art. Nor had the benefit of your intensive study. So much to absorb in both. These need to be savored. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteDebbie, I'm so happy that you clicked my link today. I so appreciate your kind comments. You might be interested to know that Krista Hamrick, the illustrator, and I have just finished putting this series into a Name Above All Names Devotional. It will be available on Amazon soon. Many blessings to you ❤️
DeleteGreat message! Thanks for adding your inspiration to the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop! This post has been pinned to our group board.
Shellie, thank you so much for pinning my post to your group board! Krista Hamrick's beautiful original art print, Name Above All Names Alphabet, was so inspiring to me. Each of the 26 individual Names of Jesus Christ which she identified were so special, as Krista intricately painted each one with its Scripture reference. My heart was drawn to write a devotional word study based on the Scripture reference for each Name, starting with the letter "A" for "Alpha and Omega" and continuing through all 26 letters to "Z" for "King of Zion." One day recently, I received an email from a sweet lady named Jane Anderson in Kansas asking if her women's group could use these devotionals for a Bible study. She told me she had created a quilt of Krista's artwork. Now she has prepared the quilt squares for me and I will be putting them together to form the completed quilt. Krista and I felt led to publish our Name Above All Names Devotional: Focusing on 26 Alphabetical Names of Christ with her illustrations and my devotionals, available now on Amazon as a softcover book and as a Kindle book at this link...
Many blessings to you!
I love the book of Colossians. My very first college class was on the book of Colossians and I learned so much. I'm stopping by from Women With Intention.
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by, Lori...I so agree with you...many blessings to you ❤️
DeleteMind-blowing truth: the Creator and Sustainer of all things gave up His life to make salvation possible.
ReplyDeleteAmazing love!
Amen, Michele! I am still in awe as I ponder and meditate on each of the 26 alphabetical names of Christ...having my quiet time each day with my beautiful quilt with each of Krista's masterpieces in embroidery above me...Michele, you have been, by far, the most wonderful encourager to me on this journey--your enthusiastic review and your passion to memorize each of the 26 Scripture verses for each name is so inspiring! Many blessings to you ❤️
DeleteWhat depth in this study and a beautiful painting!
ReplyDeleteLizzy, thank you so much for stopping by with such encouraging comments! Many blessings to you!