

Thursday, July 28, 2011

be still my soul

frances mae carson willis

The song “Be Still My Soul” on Amy Grant’s Legacy CD played on “repeat” the entire time my Mom was in palliative care prior to her homegoing last year…it begins with a  melancholy guitar solo followed by the lyrics to “Be Still My Soul,” a haunting admonition to leave things in God's hands, culminating with a voice-over by Amy…my heart was so captured by it I wrote every word in the Bible I had with me…even now thinking about it brings back the flood of warm feelings I experienced during those days, knowing that Jesus was with me in her room…gently carrying her home…

Be still, my soul; the Lord is on thy side;
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain;

Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change He faithful will remain.

Be still, my soul; thy best, thy heavenly, Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.

Be still, my soul; thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as He has the past.

Thy hope, thy confidence, let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.

Delight yourselves in the Lord, yes, and find your joy in Him.
      Be known for your gentleness and never forget the nearness of our God.
              Don’t worry, whatever is going to come, just tell God every detail,
                      and the peace of God that no one understands will come to you.
 No, don’t worry, just tell Him every detail and His peace will come to you.


What are your thoughts about this post?
      In what ways have you experienced God's peace?
            Does a particular song bring back that memory to you?


  1. Hi, Beth:
    I love this post. And I love this song. I haven't heard Amy Grant sing it, but I have heard Selah sing it. Look it up!
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you, Daphne...don't you just love how the Truth of God's Word is transported directly to our hearts through the power of music...amazing!

  3. Thanks for sharing this, Beth. Beautiful!

  4. Thank you, Sherrie! It truly is a blessing for me to be able to share what the Lord has used to comfort me to encourage others.
    many blessings,

  5. I love that song! I'm not good at remembering lyrics or titles of songs, but I do know that they evoke strong memories and I often find myself trying to read the words in the hymnbook through tear-clouded eyes ;). God is good. All the time.

    1. Thank you for your comments...I so agree with you! There is so much Truth from God's Word woven through the lyrics of our beloved hymns...praying through a book of hymns is a wonderful way to praise God in our prayers :)

  6. were blessed indeed to have a mama who loved Jesus and who expressed LOVE to y'all.

    1. Thank you, Mary. Yes, she was a wonderful Mom, she loved us with all her heart in every way. We were blessed, indeed.

  7. Beth, I have never heard the song. Definitely going to look it up on youtube after I leave this comment. But I had to tell you, this post was so timely this morning & I thank you for sharing the words to that song. Earlier this morning, in a conversation with my husband, I made a statement to my husband. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I realized that I have absolutely no control in this situation or the days ahead. The outcome all rests in the hands of the One Who Alone has control. Reading the words to that song confirmed that for me & brought me peace. I really can't wait now to hear those words with melody :) Thank you so much. I am most grateful to be here this morning. The Lord knew what I needed to read. Blessings!

    1. Joanne, what a blessing to hear that something our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ used to comfort me, is now a comfort to someone else. Thank you so much for sharing that with me. Many blessings to you and your husband!
