

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

21 Stories of Generosity Ranked #1 for Stewardship!

How Exciting! 21 Stories of Generosity: Real Stories to Inspire a Full Life (A Life of Generosity) with my story as "Chapter 13--The Generosity of Adoption" is currently ranked #1 for Stewardship!

I am so honored to be one of the contributing authors in this wonderful book, available as a paperback, Audible audiobook, and a Kindle Edition at this link, with the table of contents featured on the publisher's website at this link.

Contributing authors include:  CJ Hitz, Darlene Shortridge, Laura J. Marshall, Krystal Kuehn, Carol Freed, Carol Round, Joy DeKok, Victoria Pitts Caine, Ruth O'Neil, Lisa Belcastro, Graham Roberts, Marilynn Dawson, Brenda McGraw, Beth Willis Miller, Gerald Bergeron, Brad Francis, Charles W. Page, Ann Musico, Corine Hyman, Marriott Cole, Suzanne Doyle-Ingram, Debbie Rivers

Do you have a desire to be a tool in God's hands to bless others? Generosity is a powerful word. Webster's Dictionary defines it as "the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish; the quality of being generous; especially: willingness to give money and other valuable things to others."

Generosity can come in many forms including time, money, attention, service, or simply a kind word or compliment. Ultimately, the motive behind it is what's truly important. In this book you will read 21 real stories of generosity from ordinary, everyday people like yourself. Some of the stories focus on being on the giving side while other stories revolve around being the recipient.

Ultimately, we hope and pray that God uses these stories to inspire and encourage you to be more generous with your time, treasure and talent. That by reading this book, you might find yourself drawing closer to Jesus, the Author and Orchestrator of generosity. Join us in this journey of living a life of generosity!

In what ways have you experienced generosity in your life?


  1. This is excellent news, Beth! God is so good!

    Who is doing the audio version? I wanted to do that with mine. :-)

    Blessings, my friend!

  2. Thank you, Daphne! CJ and Shelley Hitz with Body and Soul Publishing did the audiobook, CJ read the men's stories and Shelley read the women's stories. It will be so neat to hear someone else reading my story!
